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MensagemEnviado: 09 Out 2019, 11:55 

Data de registro: 18 Mai 2010, 09:07
Mensagens: 789
ISGT - Innovative Smart Grid Technologies:

Premiado como: *** Best Paper! ***

Analysis of PTP Synchronization Behavior with IEC 61850 Process Bus

This work approaches the synchronization of the Process Bus using Precision Time Protocol (PTP). Several tests were performed to evaluate PTP performance in the Process Bus with several scenarios of Ethernet network loading. The test system consists of Switch, GPS and test sets for both Master / Slave IEEE 1588 and to simulate MUs for network loading. An external time reference device was used to compare the master and slave clocks in different loading scenarios. Tables and statistical analyzes were used to resume the results. The paper aims to answer the question: does the Process Bus delay the PTP?


Eng° Michel

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